Revolutionizing Parking: Continental’s Infrastructure-Based Autonomous Valet Parking

The advancements in self-parking technology have come a long way. From Toyota’s groundbreaking auto-steering application in the 2003 Prius to Tesla’s Smart Summon, the automotive industry has witnessed remarkable progress. And who could forget Hyundai’s Smaht Pahk?

While these systems have undoubtedly been helpful, the true aspiration is to enter a parking garage, step out of the vehicle, and watch it autonomously navigate to find a spot, allowing us to quickly reach our destinations without any inconvenience. The dream becomes even more enticing if car buyers can avoid the additional costs of on-board cameras, radar sensors, and powerful ECUs. Continental, the esteemed 150-year-old company, is on a mission to transform this vision into reality.

As a prominent supplier of hardware for modern driver assists, it only makes sense for Continental to develop a Level 4 autonomous valet parking system. However, rather than focusing solely on a vehicle-based solution, they are taking an innovative approach by integrating the required technology into the infrastructure itself.

Most new vehicles possess the fundamental capabilities of acceleration, braking, and steering required for autonomous valet parking. The missing piece is advanced AI-driven software, provided by Continental’s partner Kopernikus Automotive, along with a network of cameras and strategically placed QR codes throughout the parking area. These components enable the vehicles to locate an available space and navigate safely, avoiding potential hazards. Naturally, automakers must also grant permission for such a system to operate, overriding internal limitations that prevent starting or driving a vehicle without a human driver.

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The Dual Advantage: Cost Savings and Enhanced Convenience

This revolutionary infrastructure-based autonomous valet parking solution offers a twofold benefit. Automakers can streamline their manufacturing facilities by implementing this system, allowing vehicles to autonomously transport themselves from the production line to the shipping lot. This approach not only saves costs but also reduces the need for additional manpower.

Garages, too, have a compelling reason to adopt Continental’s autonomous valet parking infrastructure. Vehicle owners are likely to pay a premium for parking facilities where they can avoid the hassle of parking their cars themselves. Furthermore, without the risk of human errors, such as accidental door collisions, garages can accommodate more vehicles in the same amount of space.

Beyond these advantages, Continental envisions smart garage technology offering new conveniences for drivers while creating profitable opportunities for garages. Through the autonomous valet system, users can request services via a dedicated app, ensuring that their vehicle returns fully charged and cleaned. This can be made possible with the assistance of garage-installed autonomous robotic-arm chargers and car washes. In a country with limited charging infrastructure and numerous dusty parking garages, a solution like this has the potential to transform the entire industry.


Continental’s infrastructure-based autonomous valet parking system represents a paradigm shift in the parking industry. By leveraging existing vehicle capabilities and integrating advanced AI-driven software with a network of cameras and QR codes, this innovative solution brings us closer to the dream of hassle-free parking. With benefits ranging from cost savings and increased garage capacity to enhanced driver conveniences, Continental’s vision has the power to reshape the way we park our vehicles. The future of parking is here, and it’s smart, efficient, and autonomous.